requirements of
NPP civil & mechanical structures – To be scheduled
training course will provide a comprehensive
description of approaches and methods to ensure safe
design of civil and mechanical
structures and related safety analysis
in a NPP.
will cover description of current available
technology of main structures, equipment and
buildings including functional and structural
functions, containment functions, design
requirements, safety and seismic classifications,
seismic design and seismic margins requirements.
Specific topics will be presented and discussed
related to: primary circuit and reactor boundary,
concrete and reinforced concrete structures, safety
functions under different loading conditions
and associated admissible stress, reference EU and
international standards.
of load combinations, classification of loading
conditions, use of piping restraints and leak
before break criteria, soil-structure interaction,
foundation problems, seismic design and
seismic qualification of mechanical equipment will
ber covered and discussed
against internal loads and external loads (natural
and non-natural) will be covered with particular
focus on the reactor building and its containment
function. Available codes will be discussed.
content of the SAR for civil structures and
mechanical system and equipment and related safety
analyses will be discussed. Practical
application are included in the training
training is conceived to be interactive promoting
discussions with trainees to facilitate and ensure
effective transfer of know how.