National and International Cooperation

Contacts and enhanced cooperation  are  established with the following national institutions and organizations on nuclear safety related issues: MSE, MAE, ISPRA, Universities, ENEA, AIN, Consortium CIRTEN, NIER, Consortium QUINN. ITER-Consult is a member of TSOF and SNTP. ITER-Consult considers the international cooperation and networking fundamental  means to maintain competence, capability and knowledge and to efficiently address the so called  ‘’global nuclear safety and security regime’’,  maximizing the synergy between safety and security. At European level, a long-lasting cooperation is in place with  Nuclear Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and Technical Support Organizations (TSOs). At international level cooperation in established with IAEA for safety review of NPPs and for study activities of the International Seismic Safety Centre  (ISSC). Initiatives are in progress with regional nuclear safety networks in the Arab region, Asian region and South America region.

Common technical  tasks, in the frame of EU Cooperation projects and EBRD financed projects,  are performed with NRAs and TSOs  of EU Members States  and of Eastern Europe Countries: France (ASN, IRSN); Germany (BMU, GRS); Belgium (BELV, SCK-CEN); Sweden (SSM); Finland (STUK, VTT); Romania (CNCAN); Holland (NRG); Bulgaria (BNRA, Risk Engineer, Energy Institute); Lithuania (VATESI, LEI); Slovakia (UJD); Czech Republic (SUJB, NRI); Russia (Rostechnadzor, SEC-NRS, VO-Safety); Ukraine (SNRCU, SSTC); Armenia (ANRA, NRSC); Georgia (NRSS); Slovenia (SNSA).

ITER-Consult is presently extending its area of cooperation with new countries embarking on the nuclear power program, in order to provide support for development of national infrastructure, in particular, to establish the required legal and regulatory framework and to put in place an effective and independent nuclear regulatory system. The support includes training and formation courses.