Organization & Resources

ITER-Consult is led by the General Manager who is the legal representative of the organization. The technical management is ensured by the Technical Director who is responsible for the organization and implementation of the technical activities and related supervision.

Administrative management, coordination of external relations and quality management are ensured by specific units.

Seven main technical areas are identified in the organizational structure. Each area is under the leadership of technical leaders having long experience in nuclear safety mainly gained working for nuclear regulatory authorities or other international agencies and organizations.

A Technical Advisory Committee which includes national and international highly qualified experts is envisaged to provide advice on relevant technical and strategic issues. 




The activities carried out directly by ITER-Consult or performed under its leadership, are implemented according to a “Project Management” approach with a designated responsible Project Leader, necessary secretarial, administrative and management support and undergo internal review and approval with pre-established procedures.

The internal organization ensures:

·         project technical management and coordination

·         technical review and supervision

·         resource management

·         coordination of internal and external interface

·         quality management system

·         administrative and financial management


The necessary resources are ensured by the staff and, when necessary, trough qualified external experts.

External experts or consultants, when required, provide their services in accordance with ITER-Consult “policy”, under its coordination, leadership and technical responsibility.

ITER-Consult is certified ISO 9001 – 2015 n° 73 100 3117